第 484 回のスポットライトリサーチは、慶應義塾大学薬学部 分子創成化学講座 特任助教の Xu Wei (シュ・ウェイ) 先生にお願いしました!
Xu 先生の所属する分子創成化学講座 (熊谷直哉 研究室) は、2021年4月に発足した新進気鋭のラボで、構造有機化学や触媒化学を中心とした研究を行い非常にユニークな分子を数多く作り上げています。特に2023年現在、「ポルフィリン2.0」と題した非平面キラル warped-porphyrin (歪んだポルフィリン) 類縁体の化学について精力的な研究を進めておられます。
今回、Xu先生らのグループは、4つのキノリンユニットからなる擬ポルフィリン分子 「TEtraQuinoline (TEQ)」を合成し、その多彩な機能について詳細な解析を行いました。第228回のスポットライトリサーチでは、TEQの前駆分子とも言える「トリキノリン (TQ)」について紹介しましたが、今回はその続編という位置付けでのスポットライトリサーチインタビューを依頼しました。
本研究の成果は、J. Am. Chem. Soc.誌に掲載されるとともに、慶應義塾大学よりプレスリリースされました。
TEtraQuinolines: A Missing Link in the Family of Porphyrinoid Macrocycles
Wei Xu, Yuuya Nagata, and Naoya Kumagai*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145(4), 2609–2618, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.2c12582Abstract
Porphyrin contains four inwardly oriented nitrogen atoms. It is arguably the most ubiquitous multifunctional naturally occurring macrocycle that has inspired the design of novel nitrogen-containing heterocycles for decades. While cyclic tetramers of pyrrole, indole, and pyridine have been exploited as macrocycles in this category, quinoline has been largely neglected as a synthon. Herein, we report the synthesis of TEtraQuinoline (TEQ) as a ‘missing link’ in this N4 macrocycle family. In TEQs, four quinoline units are concatenated to produce an S4-symmetric architecture. TEQs are characterized by a highly rigid saddle shape, wherein the lone-pair orbitals of the four nitrogen atoms are not aligned in a planar fashion. Nevertheless, TEQs can coordinate a series of transition-metal cations (Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Pd2+). TEQs are inherently fluorescence-silent but become strongly emissive upon protonation or complexation of Zn(II) cations (ϕ = 0.71). TEQ/Fe(II) complexes can catalyze dehydrogenation and oxygenation reactions with catalyst loadings as low as 0.1 mol %.
慶應義塾大学薬学部慶應義塾大学薬学部の熊谷直哉教授らの研究グループは、天然に広く存在する平面性含窒素大環状分子であるポルフィリンの非平面類縁体 TEtraQuinoline(TEQ)を新たにデザインし、その化学合成法を確立しました。
本研究成果は、2023年1月23日(米国東部時間)に国際学術誌『Journal of the American Chemical Society』オンライン版に掲載されました。
本研究を現場で指揮された、慶應義塾大学薬学部 分子創成化学講座 教授の 熊谷 直哉 先生より、Xu 先生の研究スタイルについてコメントを頂戴しております!
Xu くんはとても背が高く指も長いのですが、実験の時は驚くほど繊細な動きを見せ、実験者として大変優れています。再現性は科学では常に担保されなくてはいけないものですが、有機化学が基本的には実験化学である以上、次の一手を決定づける最初の観察を実験から引き出してくる能力には、どうしても個人差が出てきます。Xuくんはその点、嗅覚・洞察力が鋭く、かつフィジカルにも強い凄腕の探偵のように研究を進め、このTEQ の研究の中でもいくつもの興味をそそる種を見つけ出してきてくれました。次は一体何を見つけてくるのか、わくわくが止まない毎日です。
Q1. 今回プレスリリースとなったのはどんな研究ですか?簡単にご説明ください。
Porphyrin, a well-known framework in chlorophyll and heme hemoglobin, is one of the most important macrocycles in nature, which contains four inwardly oriented nitrogen atoms. This kind of N4 macrocycles has received sustained attention on their structural modification, and the formation of metal complexes.
Based on our previous work of TriQuinoline (TQ), a unique quasi-flat head-to-tail quinoline trimer exhibiting unusual physical and chemical properties, we endeavored to construct non-flat oligo-quinoline architectures. Herein, we report the synthesis of TEtraQuinoline (TEQ) as a new kind of N4 macrocycles.
TEtraQuinoline (TEQ) has four quinoline units, which are concatenated to produce an S4-symmetric architecture. The steep saddle-shaped structure acquires chirality upon partial desymmetrization by substitution and is remarkably resistant to racemization even at 240 °C. TEQs can serve as tetradentate ligands for various transition metals, (Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pd2+). Among them, the TEQ/Fe(II) complex can catalyze dehydrogenation and oxygenation reactions with catalyst loadings as low as 0.1 mol%. In addition, TEQ also displays intriguing chemical and physical properties e.g. proton-responsive fluorescence and selective Zn2+ responsive fluorescence.
Q2. 本研究テーマについて、自分なりに工夫したところ、思い入れがあるところを教えてください。
TEQ, severing as a saddle-type N4 macrocycle, is really an attractive molecule, which can coordinate with various transition metals (Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pd2+). As we all know, many novel reactions catalyzed by porphyrin-metal complexes have been developed.
So, with these TEQ-metal complexes in hand, I anticipate their further application in catalytic reactions.
Q3. 研究テーマの難しかったところはどこですか?またそれをどのように乗り越えましたか?
The synthesis of TEQ is a little difficult. Initially, we have designed may synthetic routes for TEQ, but most of them did not give good results. When cyclic diamide 1 was used as substrate in the presence of triflic anhydride and pyridine derivatives, TEQ was isolated for the first time albeit the low yield. I still remember that Professor Kumagai and me were excited to see the clean 1H NMR data. With further study, we found that the use of Py2 (2,4,6-(MeO)3-pyridine) could improve the yield of TEQ. On the other hand, in the presence of Py1 (2-Cl-pyridine), an interesting by-product can be formed, which has a dimeric diazachrysene (ddc) structure with a bent diazacyclooctatetraene core. Further efforts were then made to obtain the crystals of TEQ, and finally, we confirmed its saddle-type structure by X-ray crystallography, as we expected according to DFT calculations.
Q4. 将来は化学とどう関わっていきたいですか?
My Ph.D. work is focused on the development of transition metal-catalyzed reactions, so the synthesis of molecules such as TEQ and the study of their physicochemical properties are new to me. In the future, I will continue academic research in other frontiers of organic chemistry.
Q5. 最後に、読者の皆さんにメッセージをお願いします!
(1) Never ignore the by-product. The by-product can help you to understand the reaction (mechanism) better, and it may become your next research project!
(2) Be patient. I have spent 2-3 years to finish the first piece of work on TEQ project. Due to its coordination ability with various transition metals and other attractive properties, I think that we need to spend more time in TEQ project. So, infinite patience is necessary for academic research.
(3) Enjoy chemistry. Chemistry is an exploration of the unknown but wonderful world, as one of my favorite quotes says, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”. So, enjoy it!
研究者の略歴 (Short CV)
Wei Xu
2019/6 Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry
State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2019/10-2021/10 post-doctoral fellow
Institute of Microbial Chemistry (BIKAKEN), Japan
2021/11-present project assistant professor
Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio University, Japan
Xu 先生、熊谷先生、インタビューにご協力いただきありがとうございました!これからも独創的な分子の創成を楽しみにしています!
・TQ: TriQuinoline