世界トップレベル研究拠点・名古屋大学トランスフォーマティブ生命分子研究所 (WPI-ITbM)が第3回の国際シンポジウムを開催します。今回も、世界で活躍する有機合成化学者、動植物生物学者をお呼びし、最先端の研究成果をご講演いただきます。 また、世界で活躍する若手の有機化学者および生物学者を表彰する第11回平田アワード(The 11th Hirata Award)および第1回岡崎アワード(1st Okazaki Award)も同時に開催いたします。
開催日:2015年5月25日(月) 〜 26日(火)
会 場:名古屋大学豊田講堂(名古屋市千種区不老町 地下鉄名城線名古屋大学駅2番出口徒歩 3分)
主 催:名古屋大学トランスフォーマティブ生命分子研究所(WPI-ITbM)
協 賛:日本化学会、日本薬学会、日本農芸化学会、日本分子生物学会、日本生化学会、日本植物生理学会、日本細胞生物学会、有機合成化学協会、日本ケミカルバイオロジー学会、日本質量分析学会、日本時間生物学会、日本生物物理学会参加登録費: 無料
名古屋ITbMが主催する化学と生物が融合したシンポジウム。有機合成化学者のライジングスターが受賞する平田アワード(旧平田メモリアルレクチャーアワード)に加えて、生物学者対象の岡崎アワードもはじまりました。平田アワードの受賞者も素晴らしいが、岡崎アワードの受賞者Feng Zangが凄い。今話題のCRISPR/CASシステムでCNSを量産している若手研究者です。化学者も生物学者もぜひご参加を!
The 3rd International Symposium on Transformative Bio-Molecules (ISTbM-3)
The 11th Hirata Award
The 1st Tsuneko & Reiji Okazaki Award
Venue: Toyoda Auditorium, Nagoya University
Date: May 25-26th, 2015
May 25th (Monday)
-ITbM New Building Inauguration Ceremony-
Venue: ITbM New Building
9:30–9:35 Opening Remarks: Kenichiro Itami (Director, ITbM, Nagoya University)
9:35–9:45 Opening Remarks: Seiichi Matsuo (President, Nagoya University)
9:45–9:50 Felicitations: Toshio Kuroki (WPI program Director, JSPS)
9:50–9:55 Felicitations: Yutaka Tokiwa (Director-General, Research Promotion Bureau, MEXT)
9:55–10:00 Felicitations: Daniel Woolf (Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Queen’s University, Canada)
10:00–10:15 Briefing: Keiichi Wakisaka (Nagoya University)
“Design Concept of ITbM’s New Building: Breaking the Walls and Mixing”
Move to the entrance of ITbM new building
10:25–10:40 Unveiling Ceremony
10:40–10:45 Group Photo
10:45–11:30 Tour
-The 3rd International Symposium on Transformative Bio-Molecules (ISTbM-3)-
Venue: Toyoda Auditorium
12:40–12:45 Opening Remarks: Hideyo Kunieda (Trustee, Nagoya University)
12:45–12:50 Opening Remarks: Steven Liss (Vice-Principal of Research, Queen’s University, Canada)
12:50–13:20 Overview of ITbM: Kenichiro Itami (Director, ITbM, Nagoya University)
13:20–14:10 Yoshinori Fujiyoshi (Nagoya University)
“Structural Physiology of Channels”
14:10–14:20 Coffee Break
-The 11th Hirata Award-
14:20–14:50 History & Overview:Shigehiro Yamaguchi (Vice Director, ITbM, Nagoya University) and Jeffrey Bode (ITbM, Nagoya University; ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
14:50–14:55 Awarding Ceremony: Daisuke Uemura (Kanagawa University; Professor Emeritus, Nagoya University)
14:55–16:10 Award Lecture: Ashraf Brik (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
“The Ubiquitin signal: Where chemistry makes a difference”
16:10–16:25 Coffee Break
-The 1st Tsuneko & Reiji Okazaki Award-
16:25–16:40 History & Overview:Kazuo Shinozaki (Director, CSRS, RIKEN)
16:40–16:45 Awarding Ceremony: Tsuneko Okazaki (Fujita Health University; Professor Emeritus, Nagoya University)
16:45–18:00 Award Lecture: Feng Zhang (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, USA)
“Development and Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for Genome Editing”
18:00–18:15 Group Photo
18:15–20:00 Reception Party (Toyoda auditorium)
May 26th (Tuesday)
-The 3rd International Symposium on Transformative Bio-Molecules (ISTbM-3)-
Venue: Toyoda Auditorium
9:00–9:50 Makoto Fujita (The University of Tokyo)
“Crystalline Sponge Method Updated”
9:50–10:20 Yoshikatsu Matsubayashi (Nagoya University)
“Looking for Novel Peptide Hormones in Plants”
10:20–10:50 Takashi Ooi (ITbM, Nagoya University)
“Molecular Design of Organic Ion Pairs for Asymmetric Catalysis”
10:50–11:05 Coffee Break
11:05–11:55 Gregory A. Voth (University of Chicago, USA)
“Revealing Molecular Features that Modulate Mesoscale Biomolecular Phenomena”
11:55–12:25 Shigehiro Yamaguchi (ITbM, Nagoya University)
“New Fluorophore Skeletons for Bioimaging”
12:25–13:45 Lunch Break
13:45–14:35 Wolf Frommer (Carnegie Institution for Science, USA)
“The Next Generation of Fluorescent Biosensors for Monitoring Enzyme/Transporter Activity in vivo”
14:35–15:05 Hiroshi Abe (Nagoya University)
“Synthetic Biology of Circular Oligonucleotide”
15:05–15:35 Florence Tama (Nagoya University)
“Hybrid Approaches to Characterize Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecular Systems from Single Molecule Experiments”
15:35–15:50 Coffee Break
15:50–16:40 Christopher J. Chang (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
“Molecular Imaging Approaches to Studying Chemistry in the Brain”
16:40–17:10 Takashi Yoshimura (ITbM, Nagoya University)
“Understanding the Mechanism of Seasonal Time Measurement and Development of Transformative Bio-Molecules”
17:10–18:00 Sean Cutler (University of California, Riverside, USA)
“Chemical Control of Plant Water Consumption”
18:00–18:05 Closing Remarks: Tetsuya Higashiyama (Vice Director, ITbM, Nagoya University)