

論文をグレードアップさせるーMayer Scientific Editing






そう、英文校閲は論文をグレードアップさせるものが好ましいと思っています。そういうわけで筆者は信頼すべき友人にしかお願いしません。少し長くなりましたが、今回は最近有機金属・錯体・構造有機分野の英文校閲会社として話題になっているMayer Scientific Editingを紹介させていただきたいと思います。

Mayer Scientific Editingについて


Ulrich Mayer博士

会社の代表であるUlrich Mayer博士はドイツで学位をとった後に、イギリスのブリストル大学で化学の博士号を取得後、日本学術振興会の博士研究員として京都大学の時任研究室で研究を行いました。その後現在の英文校閲会社を起業したわけです。その経歴から、有機化学全般、特に有機金属や錯体化学・高分子、典型元素の化学に非常に長けていることがわかります。代表が化学がバックグラウンドである校閲会社かつ日本で働いていた経験があることは魅力的ですね。







事例1. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 掲載済


The single crystals of 1-4 were obtained by sublimation or recrystallization from solution. The X-ray crystal structural analysis confirmed that all dimers 14 have a quasi-planar structure in the crystal. For example, the dihedral angles between the outer and inner phenyl rings in 1 are 18.6° and 23.0°, respectively (Figure 2a), which are in good agreement with those in the optimized structure (B3LYP/6-31G(d), 22.8°). While the angles between inner phenyl rings in the optimized structure of 14 are 33.8°-35.1°, those in the crystal structures are in a range of 0.0° for 1 to 49.7° for 4, which is probably due to the packing force.?


Single crystals of 1-4, suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis, were obtained by sublimation or recrystallization. The structural analysis confirmed quasi-planar structures for dimers 1-4 in the crystalline state. For example, the dihedral angles between the outer and inner phenyl rings in 1 (18.6°/23.0°; see Figure 2a) are in good agreement with the calculated optimized structure (22.8°). However, the dihedral angles between the inner phenyl rings obtained from the optimized structures of 1-4 (33.8°-35.1°) are not consistent with those observed in the crystal structures for 1 (0.0°) and 4 (49.7°). This discrepancy should probably be attributed to packing forces.

例1のパラグラフに含まれている余分な部分をカットしてスマートな書き方に変えています。例えば、再結晶”recrystallization“は通常、溶液中で行われるので、“from solution“を除いていますね。また、文章を読みやすくするために、少し工夫しながら全体的に文章を整えています。例えば、すべてのangle valueは化合物番号の後ろに括弧で表示しています。また、”respectively“はこの場合特に必要ないので除いています。


事例2. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 掲載済


The basic properties for 14 are summarized in Table 1. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that all of these compounds have high 5% decomposition temperature at 409-449 °C, indicating their high thermal stability. In differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to determine glass transition temperature (Tg), 1, 3 and 4 showed the moderate Tg values. However, the high Tg of 123 °C was observed for compound 2, which has lower symmetry compared to 1 by the different connection motif between the oxygen-bridged triphenylamine moieties. This temperature is higher than those of TPD (65 °C)11 and a-NPD (96 °C),11 indicating good amorphous stability of 2.


Thermal analysis data, as well as electrochemical and photophysical properties of 14 are summarized in Table 1. The thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) revealed high decomposition temperatures for 14 (408-449 °C), indicative of considerable thermal stability. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements showed moderate glass transition temperatures (Tg) for 1, 3, and 4 (34-64 °C). A significantly higher Tg was observed for 2 (123 °C), which reflects the lower symmetry resulting from the different connection motif between the triarylamine moieties in 2 relative to 1. The Tg of 2 is also higher than those of TPD (65 °C) and a-NPD (96 °C),10 suggesting a desirable thermal stability of amorphous 2.

この文章の場合、例えば”basic properties“は正確な言い方ではないので、”Thermal analysis data, as well as electrochemical and photophysical properties“に置き換えています。さらに、”In differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to determine glass transition temperature (Tg), 1and showed the moderate Tg values.“のセンテンスを”Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements showed moderate glass transition temperatures (Tg) for 1, 3, and 4 (34-64 °C)“に変更しています。示差走査熱量(DSC)は手法ですが、実際には”DSC measuraments”が正しく、また、その適切なガラス転移温度(値)を記載したほうがよいからです。その他にも細かな校正を行っています。


事例3. Chem Comm. 掲載済


A d-p electron systems, where the d electron of a transition metal and organic p-electron system are effectively correlated, has attracted much attention in recent years from viewpoints of their promising unique electronic, optical, and magnetic properties, because electrons delocalized on the conjugated d and p orbitals would be easily managed due to relatively high level of the orbitals. In particular, bimetallic complexes containing a p-electron bridge such as M–(p-conjugated system)-M (M = transition metal) should be interesting class of d-p electron systems as a simple model for the molecular wire and multi-step redox system. From this viewpoint, a ferrocene is frequently used as a d-electron moiety because (i) a ferrocene exhibits stable redox property, (ii) the Cp ligands of a ferrocene are known to effectively correlate the d-orbital of Fe atom with the external p-electorn system on the Cp ligand, and (iii) it is easy to introduce organic p-electron conjugated system to the Cp moiety by the well-known method such as lithiation or cross coupling reactions. Thus, d-p electron systems with two ferrocenyl groups bridged by the p-electron moiety, e. g., Ph(Fc)C=C(Fc)Ph and Fc-N=N-Fc (Fc = ferrocenyl), have been synthesized and well investigated, showing their unique properties as multi-step redox systema. However, only p-electron systems of the 2nd row elements have been employed in such compounds. On the other hand, there has been much interest in the chemistry of p-electron systems containing heavier main group elements such as a diphosophene (RP=PR) and a disilene (R2Si=SiR2).



The sustained interest in d-p electron systems of bimetallic complexes with p-bond spacers, i.e. M–(p-conjugated spacer)-M (M = transition metal moiety), is due to their unusual electronic, optical, and magnetic properties.1 Moreover, they can serve as models for compounds with mixed-valence states and for molecular wires, since the high energy levels of the occupied orbitals and the small HOMO-LUMO gap facilitate electron delocalization over the d and p orbitals. In such d-p electron systems, ferrocene is frequently used as the d-electron moiety because (i) ferrocene exhibits a stable redox behavior, (ii) the Cp ligands of ferrocene effectively correlate the d-orbitals (Fe) with the external p-electron system, and (iii) organic p-electron systems can be easily attached onto the Cp rings by a variety of well-established synthetic tools such as metallations or cross-coupling reactions.2 Some d-p electron systems with two ferrocenyl groups bridged by a p-bond moiety, e.g. Ph(Fc)C=C(Fc)Ph3 or Fc-N=N-Fc4 (Fc = ferrocenyl) have been reported and they show the unique properties of multi-step redox systems. A still prevailing limitation for the p-electron systems in these compounds is the restriction to the 2nd row of the p-block elements, even though the chemistry of p-electron systems containing heavier main group elements, such as disilenes (R2Si=SiR2) and diphosphenes (RP=PR) has recently been the subject of substantial progress.



  1.  “d-p electron systems”
  2. “d electron / transition metal”
  3. “organic p-electron system”
  4. “effectively correlated”
  5. “attracted much attention in recent years”
  6. “promising […] electronic, optical, and magnetic properties”
  7. “electrons delocalized [over] the conjugated d and p orbitals”
  8. “easily managed due to relatively high level of the orbitals”
  9. “bimetallic complexes containing a p-electron bridge such as M–(p-conjugated system)-M (M = transition metal)”
  10. “simple model for the molecular wire and multi-step redox system”








事例4. Chem Eur. J. 掲載済


We have chosen three stable diaryldibromodisilenes 1a, 1b, and 1c as the targeted materials, two of which (1a,b) have been already reported,[3,4] and the other (1c) was prepared for this purpose according to the synthetic method similar to that of 1a.[11]  Stable 1,2-dibromodisilenes 1a-c were treated with an excess amount of 1,3,4,5-tetramethylimidazol-2-ylidene (Im-Me4)[12] in benzene, respectively, and the reactions were monitored by NMR spectroscopy. All reactions of the dibromodisilenes with Im-Me4 proceeded upon heating at 60 – 80 oC to give the sole products, respectively, judging from NMR spectra.[13]  Depending on not the amount of Im-Me4 but the kind of the substituents of the dibromodisilenes, two types of products were generated. While the reaction of 1a with Im-Me4 afforded the product showing 29Si NMR signal at 10.9 ppm, the other reactions gave the different type of the products showing the upper-fielded chemical shifts around dSi = -60 – -76.


For our investigations, we chose the three stable diaryldibromodisilenes 1a-c as suitable starting materials, since two of those (1a-b) have already been reported,[3,4] and the third (1c) was easily prepared for this study following the synthetic protocol for 1a.[11]  Stable 1,2-dibromodisilenes 1a-c were initially treated with an excess of 1,3,4,5-tetramethylimidazol-2-ylidene (Im-Me4)[12] in benzene and the reactions were monitored by 1H NMR spectroscopy. According to the NMR spectra, heating benzene solutions of 1a-c and Im-Me4 to 60-80 oC resulted in the formation of either 2a, 3b, or 3c as the sole reaction product.[13] Interestingly, the nature of the reaction products did not depend on the amount of Im-Me4 employed, but on the kind of aryl substituent on the dibromodisilenes. While reaction of 1a with Im-Me4 afforded a product with a 29Si NMR signal at 10.9 ppm, the reaction products from 1b-c showed upfield-shifted resonances (dSi = -60 – -76 ppm).


事例5. Organometallics 掲載済


From these situations, the recent research target in coordination chemistry is focused on the phosphorus analogues of N,N’-chelating monoanionic ligand bearing an sp2-hybridized phosphorus atom. Thus, Mathey5 and Mindiola6 have independently reported the synthesis of their original P,N-chelating ligand with a low-coordinated phosphorus atom.7 We have also developed the phosphorus analogues of anilido-imine ligand and reported the synthesis of their rhodium carbonyl complexes featuring strong trans-effect due to the sp2-hybridized phosphorus atom.8 However, P,P’-chelating monoanionic ligands have not been explored yet in spite of their prospectiveness.


Based on these considerations, phosphorus analogues of N,N’-chelating monoanionic ligands bearing sp2-hybridized phosphorus atoms have become attractive research targets in coordination chemistry. For example, Mathey5 and Mindiola6 have independently reported the synthesis of monocanionic P,N-chelating ligands with a low-coordinated phosphorus atom.7 We have developed phosphorus analogues of anilido-imine ligands and reported the synthesis of their rhodium carbonyl complexes, which exhibited a strong trans-effect, due to the sp2-hybridization of the phosphorus atom.8 Despite their prospective rewards, P,P’-chelating monoanionic ligands have not yet been intensively explored.

この文章には不適切な用語がいくつか含まれています。例えば、”From these situations“は”Based on these considerations“が正しいです。また、”Thus“は”For example“、さらに”prospectiveness“という単語はないので、”Despite their prospective rewards,“に変更しています。その他も読みやすいように変更を加えています。




Mayer Scientific Editingのウェブサイトには実際に使用した研究者(日本人も含む)のコメントが掲載されています。例えば、ケムステ「研究者のインタビュー」でも紹介している中央大の山下准教授のコメント、京都大の村田教授若宮准教授笹森准教授のコメントが掲載されています。


Mayer Scientific Editingの英文校閲は化学分野の博士号を持つ京大時任研OBのMayerさんがやっているサービスだということで有機金属および典型元素化学の分野に詳しく正しい化学の視点を持った校閲をしていただけます。例えば「これまでに?といった化合物は存在しなかった」という表現において、?の部分が長くなると文章が冗長になりますが、その化学的な意味を捉えた上でわかりやすい表現にしていただけたこと、合成の箇所の説明において再結晶溶媒の記載の指摘をいただいたこと、反応スキームのよりわかりやすい形の提案を頂いたこと、等々、有機化学分野の実験を行っていた人ならではの適切な校閲をしてもらえたので非常に満足しました。近いうちに投稿予定の論文についても是非校正をお願いしようかと思っています。みなさんも良ければどうぞ。校正後の論文はこちら(アルミナベンゼンの合成と性質について)。DOI:10.1021/ja504771d









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